Friday, January 8, 2010

One of the great parts of Christmas morning is laying in bed listening to the kids ooh! and aah! over what they got in there stockings. There innocent comments about what Santa brought them. Of course then you have to get out of bed because they want to open more! I hope all of you had a great Christmas!
Making Christmas cookies for Santa! The kids love to help, some times a little to much.
This is our Party with my Mom and Dave. We played Christmas Pictionary, then opened gifts. My Mom got each family a Glow Dome, which turned out pretty cool. The kids like to turn it on like a night light.
Since things are so busy before Christmas, we had my Dad and Jay's Party after this year. It's great to have gifts to open after Christmas. 2 big hits,(it seems to becoming a tradition) long sleeve 2 Jack shirts, and McDonald gift certificates. Now the kids can buy their own Happy Meals

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kaden's 3rd grade Christmas Program! Of course this is weeks ago, but I can't seem to catch up. Hopefully soon I can get my Christmas pictures up, and not get to far behind. Kaden did such a great job, and was so excited about singing Christmas songs. He's growing up fast, and is such a cutie. The boy next to him is his friend. He was so excited to finally be in the same class with him this year. This top picture, Kaden is in the back of the sled "What a shorty"