Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well it is now confirmed 100%. We are having a boy! He weighed 11 ounces at 18 weeks (2 weeks ago). Lately I can feel him kicking and moving around a lot. This is the best time because you can feel them and know they are there, but not to strong . But we are glad no matter what. He will fit right in with my soft hearted Kaden and possessive Eli . Its funny how different they are, but also act alike. If any of you have any suggestions for names I'd like to hear them. I have no idea what I even like. I want an English first name and Spanish middle. Something I can pronounce and something Manny's family can pronounce.


Meg said...

Im so happy for you, He will be loved be all, it makes me cry to see the pic. oh how I want another one. Maybe some day in five years! I will think of some names love ya, Meg

The Marvelous Mrs. Miller said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! Another Cute little baby! = ) I miss ya friend!

Laura said...

HOLY SMOKES!!! that's a HUGE! HEEHEE I'm so happy because he will love his crazy brothers. I'm with ya on the name thing, Boys names are so hard.

Amanda Nemelka said...

Congrats! I love having a boy and hope that I have all boys. Crazy, I know. I could give you some boys names that I like but have already been rejected by Jeff: Isaac, Curtis, Ethan, Ben...just a few. I'll really be in trouble for names when it's my turn again.

I have a friend in your same situation and they names their little boy "Gabriel (Gabe) Antonio". Not sure if you like it or not, but it's got a little spanish flare to it.

Lori said...

okay, you are the pro blogger now, where did you find that REALLY cute background. That is the type I want and I don't know how to do it, HELP?

Congrats with the baby too, that is awesome!!! I can't believe how good the ultrasound pictures are! They are great!