Thursday, June 18, 2009

About 2 weeks ago we went down to Yuba with Manny's sister Elsa, and her little girl Dorani. We stayed 2 days, and 2 nights. The kids had so much fun getting dirty, riding bikes, and throwing rocks in the lake. In the picture below, with Eli holding his thumb up, he has an INCH WORM crawling up it. Kaden was such a chicken and wouldn't hold it until I did.
We had the best deserts. The 1st night we did smores, and the next Peach Cobbler. I know, retarded to take the picture, but they just looked so yummy. The kids only wanted to light the marshmallows on fire. I guess that's the funnest part.
So I took a million pictures of the fire. I thought it was pretty cool. Even the pictures look hot.
Dorani was so cute. She was just like one of the boys. Running around throwing rocks. She loved to run down the dock, with her mom right after her. Trevin just liked riding in the stroller.

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