Thursday, July 9, 2009

These are my favorite flowers. It's to bad they don't last for very long.
This Monday and Tuesday we went to Laura's pool. It's just right for the kids, not to deep but deep enough for them to jump. We had a blast!
My kids are the best (most of the time). Kaden and Eli made this card for me, then surprised me on my birthday when they gave it to me. But the surprise wasn't over.
Manny had a card hidden in his truck, that him and the kids picked out. This is the first CARD in 12 yrs. It was the cutest card, and inside Kaden had written "we well wosh your car today" I cried so hard because it was so special. THANKS BOYS! Of course they got in water fight. Eli ended up crying because he was all wet, and Kaden got mad because he didn't get dad wet enough.
I LOVE FIREWORKS!!!!!!!!!!!! We gathered at the Ericksens for food and fireworks, the 2 best things in July. We might have some pyros in the family, j/k. The kids loved lighting the fireworks, with adult help. Then toward the end, my sisters surprised me with a Better Than .......... Cake. It was so good!
PROVO PARADE..... I like the traditional stuff, and the parade in front of my brother-in-law's mom's house & BBQ after is one of them. They are so nice for inviting us, and the food is fabulous. Thanks Clair and Jan.


Laura said...

All I can think of is eating a piece of that better than hot luvins cake!!!!!

jina carter said...

It sounds like you have had so much fun! I LOVE the parades and fireworks too. I love to read your updates and what you've been up to.

Meg said...

I'm sorry I missed out on all the fun. I cryed when I seen the birthday card, thats the best part of being a mom.