Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Pumpkins are being swarmed by these
stupid bugs. Aren't they nasty looking. I noticed
them about a week ago. These are the adults so
they have been there about 4 to 6 weeks, and we
found more eggs ready to hatch. They eat the leaves,
stem, and the pumpkin itself. We did spray them with
bug killer and got a lot of them but I don't think we
can get them all. I just hope I will have some
pumpkins left by October.


Anonymous said...

Yuck! Good luck with that... I know manny is a pro when it comes to gardens. Trevin I love that name. He is so cute! What beautiful baby.

Kristin said...

haven't the spiders/bugs been awful this year? i am so ready for cooler weather which will mean less creepy-crawlies!

Lori said...

That is so gross! That makes me okay that our pumpkins didn't make it. YUCK!

I have been waiting to see pictures of little Trevin. Kelli said he was so little and cute. HE IS SO LITTLE. 5lbs. How much did he weigh when he was born? I am so glad everythign went okay, you always scare me when your having babies! He is so handsome.

Meg said...

That suck, I hope none of them got in your house.

Misses~ said...

That is pretty creepy . Did you do any research online? I called a professional company once and learned about Mud Dauber Wasps.